
Planning and Assessing how to get the program started

by Ryan Peterson


I will be training for the CrossFit Games on Invictus X with Kristi Eramo, Sam Dancer, and Holden Rethwill, two months of training with the following goals I will shoot for


205 Snatch
245 CJ
300 Back Squat
425 Deadlift
235 Power Clean
170 P Snatch
21:30 5k run
8:30 500m swim
350-yard golf swing (
120 ft hs walk 45 seconds
30 muscle ups 3:30
18 unbroken muscle ups
20 unbroken BMU

I can't let my aerobic base slow the team down so I will work hard to gain a bit of strength while gaining times on my aerobic capacity

Initially, before we set a plan we typically start with an assessment of the athlete using a note similar to what is used in the medical profession.


(S) ubjective Data - What is not measurable, these are usually seen as emotional statements.

ie that hurts, I hate that, I'm not good at that.

Diagnose the symptom, find out why they, for example, they hate running, usually, it's because they lack endurance, or are not very good at it. It could also be related to back, hip or some other issue that gives insight to an injury or mobility issues for example

(O) bjective Data - This is measurable via weights and times.

To diagnose measurable data in this sport you need to have an understanding of baseline numbers through all domains in the sport. A 220 kg clean and jerk is a goal for someone who wants to win in the Olympics but not a reality at the Games where 170kg is more than likely the winning lift at the Games.

(A) ssessment - After gathering all the information available, the more information the better understanding of what is in front of you and what actions should be taken in the future.

(P) lan - Your assessment of the athlete now needs a plan in order to narrow down an appropriate strategy that should help your athlete correct weaknesses while not neglecting strengths. The plan takes in consideration that athlete's goal such as competing team versus individual and reverse engineers from the date of competition to the start of the program.

In the case of Margaux's plan we look at her goals and then strategize a plan for each example

30 muscle ups under 3:30

Week 1 90 total reps 3 x a week


Target System - CPK

Work Out

Max MU rest x 3 min

goal is first round hit 18 by end of week with no more than

6 rep drop in following rounds

How this helps the team

Synchronized mu will most likely show up say

60 total team synchronized mu will require

athlete 1 18 + 12 and

athlete 2 18 + 12 = 60


Target System - Glycolytic

Work Out - 20 ghd situps + 12 mu + 20 alternating db lunge 50/35 x 3 rounds


Target System - Oxidative

Work Out- 30 muscle ups for time

Games may want to test each member by forming a Congo line and stating each member must complete 30 mu before moving forward.

90 total muscle ups week one would increase to 100 total reps on week 2 with the end goal of week 7 at 150 total mu per week.

We do this for each domain and it can take a great amount of time to develop the plan but the athlete who is serious enough to work out at this level we feel should have a program that takes a lot of consideration

concept 2 bike 25 min into 20 sec all out 40-sec chill x 5 min

45 min mobility

include 10 ghr + 10 r hyper x 4 rounds in this time

rest as needed

30 strict hspu scale to 4/2 in deficit if too easy

rest as needed


P Snatch to Max

2 P snatch 80% + 400m run + 2 P Snatch rest 2 min x 4


clean ahap rest as needed between sets

db strict press mimic parallete position 5x5

Squat 20 ahap rest as needed Squat 10 AHAP-


20 ghd situps + 12 mu + 20 alternating db 50/35 lunges x 3 rounds

rest as needed


800m run + 30 ghd hip extensions + 30 kbs 70/54 x 3 rounds


max strict chin-ups + 40 sec accumulate free standing hs hold x 4 rounds NFT

Margaux Alvarez
About the Author

I grew up in Stevensville, Montana, where I lived an active lifestyle my whole life. Growing up, I participated in Tae Kwon do, ballet, horseback riding, volleyball, golf, lifting weights, running, hiking … any activity to keep me motivated and moving.

My winemaking journey started in 2011 when we began planting grapes just outside of Zion National Park in Utah. A little known fact, but there was a thriving era of winemaking known as the Dixie Wine Era that helped create the infrastructure by taxation in the 1860's. We started making home wine each year and loved all that it entailed.